NIE Nummer aanvragen

NIE Number home-purchase Spain

How do you arrange your NIE number to buy a Spanish dream home?

An NIE-number, Numeró Identificación de Extranjeros, is similar to the Dutch Citizen Service Number (BSN). So this is important, because you will need this number at official institutions in Spain.

If you are going to buy a Spanish property, then it's entirely of importance. But even with simple things like the connection for water or for electricity for your new home, you are going to need the NIE number! It is therefore advisable to have an NIE number in good time if you are looking for a property in Spain.

Who needs a NIE Number?

Therefore, if you are going to buy a Spanish property, you will need a NIE number. But note that not only the applicant must have it, but all co-owners of the property as well. This could include a tax partner, or someone else buying the property with you.

Note: that for a mortgage application, an NIE number is not yet required initially. You do need to provide your NIE to the Spanish bank two weeks before the transfer (passing) of the property and thus the conclusion of the mortgage. Are you doing this too late? Then the transfer process is delayed.

Different types of NIE Numbers:

Not all NIEs are equal unfortunately. It depends on how long you want to stay (in a connected time period) in Spain. This length of time determines the type of NIE number you need. The biggest difference in a property purchase is in either emigration or a visit (holiday) to your 2nd home in Spain.

From this, two variants are possible:

  • NIE certificado con carácter permanente - you will need this if youwill be staying longer than three monthspermanently in Spain. As Dutch nationals, you are EU residents, so you can apply for it yourself in Spain. This is
  • NIE certificado con carácter temporal -you are going to need this if you stay less than three months in Spain at a time, e.g. to hibernate in your 2nd home for a few months. You mainly need the NIE number for the tax number for administrative matters.


How do you apply for a NIE number?

You can arrange your NIE number for Spain in 3 ways:

  • Option 1 -Applying in Spain
    It is possible to go to Spain yourself to apply for the NIE number. Applying for an NIE number can be done at a police station. Often this is entirely in Spanish. Experience shows that people experience many obstacles here, such as the Spanish language (difficult for complex documents) or the limited times and locations where application is possible. Keep in mind situations have specific days and times for an NIE application. Check with the specific municipality of your application.
  • Option 2 - Apply yourself through Spanish consulate in Amsterdam
    For this option, you fill out a two forms yourself: the EX-15 and 790-012. You make an appointment at the Spanish Consulate in Amsterdam. For the appointment, bring the completed forms and your personal documents (passport or identity card + a copy of it). Are you of non-Dutch nationality or a student? Then additional required documents may apply. Generally, this process takes 2-3 months. Unfortunately, it regularly happens that forms are not filled in correctly or are incomplete, you will have to make another appointment.
  • Option 3 - Application through a lawyer + pick-up in Amsterdam
    Don't have the time or opportunity to go to Spain or want to arrange your NIE simply and easily? You can engage a service to get the application in order. You provide the necessary details and a legal specialist will prepare the forms for you and make an appointment (by mutual agreement) at the consulate in Amsterdam. After the appointment, the NIE number will be sent to your physical address in the Netherlands within a few working days.

Note: there are long queues currently at the consulate for NIE number applications. The consulate therefore schedules limited number of appointments. Keep in mind that due to long waiting times, your actual appointment may not take place for 2-3 months.

Help with your application:

Want legal help with your application? Arrange it quickly and affordably through Spain Purchase Guide.

Apply for NIE Number

NIE Number Application Rush